Jack Orebaugh

Microbial Ecology


Remote Sensing


Ecosystem Ecology


Microbial Ecology ~~ Remote Sensing ~~ Ecosystem Ecology ~~

How can we use the environment as a sensor?

Remote Sensing

How satellites, autonomous systems (land, air, sea), and other remote sensing instruments can be used to monitor the environment around us. I am specifically interested in using these techniques, coupled with ground truth data to create reference data and products for end users. My research in this area focuses on ecological monitoring, crisis response, and national security.

Microbial Ecology

The composition and function of microbial communities and how they alter and interact with the world around them. I am interested in how microbial communities affect and interact with their environment, through diseases, microbe~organism interactions, and geographically unique microbial communities. Ultimately, the applications of this research are for bio-monitoring, ecosystem health, and national security.

Ecosystem Ecology

How the environment responds to different stresses, both biotic and abiotic factors. Specifically, I am interested in how plants, insects, vertebrates and microbes respond to disturbance and work together in diverse ecosystems. My research and interest in this is both in basic and applied areas; with applications in conservation, environmental science, and industry.

Projects & Publications

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